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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Confirmed

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Stackboy954 View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Saturday, December 19, 2009

look at the teaser picture of naruto ultimate ninja storm 2 coming out late 2010 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360(yes you heard me for the Xbox 360 too)and I'm mad about that cause the ultimate ninja series is supposed to be a PlayStation exclusive,check youtube.

RedHot View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, January 07, 2010

1) Hotlinking issue

I'm mad about that cause the ultimate ninja series is supposed to be a PlayStation exclusive,

. What, are you slow ? Don't take any offence but seriously. Who would give a trash about preffering one side from the other? It's just a matter of enough money spent on optimizing the game for xbox and then just looking at income. It's all 'bout the money.

Alex Al Knows View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, January 07, 2010

Considering the ease of development for the 360, they no doubt looked at the sales of the two Naruto games by Ubisoft available on that platform and thought "Hey, the cost of porting the next version of Ultimate Ninja Storm to the 360 will be nothing compared to the additional profit we could spin off."

These days the only "true" exclusives to a platform are those from first or second party developers and are more often than not properties which the platform owners have rights over.

Anything else that's only out on one platform has a very high potential to be ported to other platforms at a later date or have sequels released as multiplatform. You just have to look at franchises such as Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Bioshock and Ninja Gaiden to realise that.

There's just very little appeal, profit wise, for a third party developer to make paltform exclusive games in the modern market.

As for UNS2 itself, I was quite interested in the first until I heard it basically played like the series of Naruto games on the PlayStation 2 which I got bored of fast so I'll probably only grab UNS2 if I see it for cheap.

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