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Game Modes

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Awsome425 View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Would it be possible to make some game modes for ZEQ2?

So let's say you wanted to do... Score Battle. Where you can have some teams or even free-for-all. Then you ca fight for a certain amount of time then game ends.

(The idea was based off Battle of Z.)

But it seems like it would be a good idea. About how hard would it be to implement that?

Shenku RiO Incarnate View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, January 23, 2014

Not too hard, assuming you know how to work with the engine to begin with.

You'd simply look at basic Death Match or Team Death Match game modes from Quake 3 for most of it, and copy applicable portions of it over into ZEQ2-Lite.

Thing is I think they were originally there but removed way back in the early stages of development before Public Beta 1's release, and I believe it was for accuracy's sake because there weren't suppose to be Death Matches in the Dragonball world. After all, they never really kept score in the series that I recall, nor respawned mid-fight to go for another round(The exception being Vegeta on Namek, but he was sent to Earth before he could even do anything...)...

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