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Camera Transformation

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DBZkrisfhugz View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, August 29, 2014

Hey guys, seems I don't know how to edit camera transformation, I know where can I edit but..

Time Transformation is like

2500 = 3 seconds

While Camera transformation

170 40 50 = ?

how am I supposed to know the position etc.?

Eagle The Purpose View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, August 29, 2014

ZEQ2-lite has a complicate camera system.. (and even weird on last revisions *intense laughter*)

transformCameraDefault 0 10 70
transformCameraOrbit -45 200
transformCameraPan 0 50
transformCameraAngle 180 225

Only Zeth can clarify these things Rolling Eyes (I took them on Goku Super Saiyan 3 tier.cfg)

I'm trying to change these settings to discover.


okay, I have found some things/clues:

First, I think all measures are counted in units (Quake 3 distance unit)

The transform camera default is where the camera is placed at the start of the sequence. It's in x why and z.

The transform camera orbit turn around the character on an horizontal plan. The first setting start from the left of the character and the second, in front of it.

The transform camera pan is a departure from the character. There is 2 things to set, the first is an hozizontal movment and the second is a vertical one.

The transform camera angle doesn't seems to work :\ I think it was to set an angle on a zx plan and an yx (maybe can be combined..) but it didn't do anything when I changed variables..

It's all I could find, maybe I've made errors, but I just reported what it does when changing some variables.

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