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ZEQ2 - Lite in Old times and now!

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WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Monday, December 23, 2013

I will make a resume of how it was in the past. It's not that hard.

Public Beta 1 was a trash. I've seriously tried to play it, but taking a fight for 1 hour, it's sorta ridiculous. Plus several bugs, no Super Saiyan's (I know about addon's, just don't like it), the need of resting in the midlle of a fight, it wasn't DBZish at the end. Anyway, I could spend some time referring tons of reasons why not to play Public Beta 1, but that's just my opinion about it, and I mean no offense for those who love it.

Public Beta 2 was divided by 2 times. Before and After "WS". Since we defeated everyone in the game, there wasn't more reason to keep the mêlée up. So, Spam party arrived. Let's discover every single bug in this sand box. We actually discovered tons of bugs (can't say we know all of them).

Grega is a bit wrong when he says to become a pro player you need to get yourself better outside the game, improving finger accurancy(which is awesome with your own girlfriend) and etc. That ain't a singular true. At least not in ZEQ2. ZEQ2 as many other games needs, in the most part, just one thing: inteligence(in "latu sensu").

Most of the players doesn't use it properly in the game, cause, no matter what, they spend tons of hours doing the same thing. It's always the same movements, same sequence of breakers and stuff. When he start to win with it, he start to become so confident in his gaming(obviously). But then, he becomes cocky, doesn't admit a loss and start to be a Big Mouth, who can't win and start to argue about "how awesome I am, that was just a mistake" in the gaming chat.

That's why most of them started to be punching bags of my friends till nowadays.

We just dislike people who are cocky. There's no need to be cocky, neither big mouth nor nothing. If he just said:"Great Fight, you are better than me", the story was over in that moment.

We have tons of examples of these players in ZEQ2. I'm sure I don't have to say names here, since most of them said something on this thread.

But what a pro player do? Well he uses his inteligence to deal with the technics of the opponent. Bringing it to ZEQ2-Lite, probably he will lose 1 or 2 rounds till he gets the base of the breakers that his opponent is using and will adapt his gaming to win. It's not that hard.

But that was why I stopped playing. There are too many kids saying billions of ridiculous things in the gaming chat, instead of proving he was better than me or than other old players.

It's hard to argue with 15 why.o. kids, since their lack of intelligence prevents them from leaving the pride aside and admit that someone is better than him.

Nowadays, according to my friends, the new era of Spam, it's about how to use ki stun and ki storm (which sorta vacuums in my opinion, since it's totally avoidable and it's not the effective way to protect yourself nor attack other player) I still remember an Australian player who's named OAK,and teached us how to use it and how to deal with it. That was a long time ago...and ELABORATELY DESIGNED MINT CONDITION ACTION FIGURINE FULL PLAYSET bla...

Whatever, I'm tired.

that was my contribution to the thread.

see you (#not).

Maszek View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Printes, I find it weird that half your post is about how much you dislike cocky players, and the other one is how unbeatable you are and how everyone is your punching bag.

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Maszek wrote : Printes, I find it weird that half your post is about how much you dislike cocky players, and the other one is how unbeatable you are and how everyone is your punching bag.

You misunderstood me, Maszek. Maybe why you were one of those cocky players. All I said was facts from the past. Read it again and you will see that in any moment I made references just from myself, excluding the part when I said I left the game.
If you don't like that we were better than anyone in this sandbox, it's not my problem.
We tried to be nice,to help you guys out in tons of momments, but most of you has an enormous ego, that can't let you be better.

2 weeks ago I've played a little and I saw the same thing. A new player called Zany, tried to spam me. He lost, didn't admit it and grow cocky. We had 4 mêlée fights. He won the first one and I won the other 3 rounds. I was surprised with it, since I don't play it for almost a year.

Anyway, things never change in Zeq2Lite...its sad.


Iceman View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I must agree in one thing that I saw Printes on server.
Before I think it is just kid who fake him, so I didn't care about it, but I think he is real thing.
Kids this days are like he said it in post but I must said that some of your "friends" bind, spam on servers where no one insult, get cocky or what ever you said.
When was PW server up, and when old players come to our server, your "friends" come and bind to ruin our fun.
I must agree that before, when I start to play I joke about how strong I am or what ever, Domitjen was there and kick my buttocks, you too once Printes, and Sagara, but point is, you beat me and I admit it but years after that WS, isn't that mature like you want to show it.
Now XS, copy of WS and WS ruin all fun in game with binds, part of them, not every clan member. But I can't say that I blame them, because every kid in game want to be like them, using fake nicks, if you beat them they cry and bind, ULTRA COCKY....

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Iceman wrote : I must agree in one thing that I saw Printes on server.
Before I think it is just kid who fake him, so I didn't care about it, but I think he is real thing.
Kids this days are like he said it in post but I must said that some of your "friends" bind, spam on servers where no one insult, get cocky or what ever you said.
When was PW server up, and when old players come to our server, your "friends" come and bind to ruin our fun.
I must agree that before, when I start to play I joke about how strong I am or what ever, Domitjen was there and kick my buttocks, you too once Printes, and Sagara, but point is, you beat me and I admit it but years after that WS, isn't that mature like you want to show it.
Now XS, copy of WS and WS ruin all fun in game with binds, part of them, not every clan member. But I can't say that I blame them, because every kid in game want to be like them, using fake nicks, if you beat them they cry and bind, ULTRA COCKY....

Yeah, Iceman, you were there. We chatted a little.
I disagreed, Iceman. Its all about WS everytime. A fake Goku comes in, he is WS. We were always guilty of all incidents in the sandbox.
Venom told me there is bunch of players, not WS ones, who binds and do all that stuff. Most of them are latinos who were from UF and other clans.

But most of you doesn't even know how to identify a player by /serverstatus command.

And you misunderstood completely the meaning of friendship. A clan partner not necessarily is a friend. My friends are mostly veterans, except by Sagara and Venom who still admin the clan. And I can say that none of them bind servers.

I'm aware that Akinator, or kane, or whatever his nickname is, binds and do all that stuff, faking ws members.

PW server events: I've participated one or two times of it. What we did? spammed everyone. It was always like 2 or 3 Ws members against what? 5 or more other players? And we still wins it. The crash thing happens only when you doesn't admit the loss or when we were tired, then we went out. Its simple and clear like water. That's what I remember.

If this attitude happenned when they lose, which I doubt, then it was not when I played.
Anyway, me nor old WS members can't be responsible for everyones acts.

Lemme explain my motivation: I've only entered this thread to talk about the past and why I left the game. And not to point who was better or not. The "before and after Ws" was a real divisor of the game, that's all I said.

Iceman View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Well people who bind there, most of time, use to have Brazilian IP or hidden one. Even with fake IP check, I never do it, hoster of server did it for me, he find again Brazillian, Argentina IP... I really never care about spam thing, I spam too for fun, but when you spam that fake guy he only hide in spectate and bind-cry like little kid.
Before this BIND ERA, there was fun.
I get spammed in old times and spam too.
You remember I use to be WS, but leave it for my own reasons and made PW clan.
My reason for making this post is, that old players that still play this game, players that care about it and who don't want to leave it in hands of good guys who will "kill it" , we need to act more mature than rest of them or ignore them until they change. Make new videos about game, bring more Dragon Ball Z fans. I talk with Dragon Ball Online players, they don't like this game only because of 24/7 insult from kids who hide with fake name, 24/7 bind and other craps.

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Iceman wrote : Well people who bind there, most of time, use to have Brazilian IP or hidden one. Even with fake IP check, I never do it, hoster of server did it for me, he find again Brazillian, Argentina IP... I really never care about spam thing, I spam too for fun, but when you spam that fake guy he only hide in spectate and bind-cry like little kid.
Before this BIND ERA, there was fun.
I get spammed in old times and spam too.
You remember I use to be WS, but leave it for my own reasons and made PW clan.
My reason for making this post is, that old players that still play this game, players that care about it and who don't want to leave it in hands of good guys who will "kill it" , we need to act more mature than rest of them or ignore them until they change. Make new videos about game, bring more Dragon Ball Z fans. I talk with Dragon Ball Online players, they don't like this game only because of 24/7 insult from kids who hide with fake name, 24/7 bind and other craps.

Alright, cheap talk.
Let me guess, what you are trying to say. Just because someone is Brazillian or Argentinian they are from WS, right?


Bind era? okay, Aravind follower, you talk so much about being mature, but please. You are naming things such as an uninformed participator. You are not a veteran, neither a legend or nothing. You were ALWAYS a regular player who was scared of losing. (I still remember your best word: "LAG!")
You cry about lag since you born. So please, cut this trash out and make yourself something else, grow some balls to play a silly game.

The only player who bind and cries in team s that I know is Kane.

NONE old players still plays this game. Get used to it.

Plus, you talk like the fair and square player of the universe. You changed clans just because you didn't have the Rcon pass, to see who you were playing with and to high five everyone like you did in NL server and in your PW server.

Also, who started binding things was NL Clan - remember your fancy pants mate XBlade? "Changing pants?" After that Zidane begun to bind WS servers because Stealth Hax was empty.
So don't blame my people for these idiotic actins.

Zeq2Lite is far DEAD. Everyone knows it. The community is awesome, but guys like you lose the hand when try to revive boring subjects like that one.


Edit: Zeth, do you mind locking this thread, please? It obviously disrespect the free forum rules, since it talks about in game stuff and clans.


Buksna Blaizing View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Maybe you're right about ZEQ2-lite but outside that game people DO train outside the game to get better. Not all games are situational. Some require better some faster thinking and some better or faster action.

That has a bit of part in intelligence but its mostly trained by solving puzzles or any other brain games. Like example if I want to get better in some strategic game I can play sudoku to raise my intelligence not the game itself to get better with it. I can eat healthier food, do workout and sleep accordingly to keep my body and head fresh which of course helps in being better with some game.

There's a lot more aspects included in becoming better with particular game.

For ZEQ2-lite you don't have to do anything mentioned above because it's not worth it. "Game" is made to be fun, to play with "friends" and pass the time; not to get best at it.

Iceman View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I just showing facts here, and I don't know about Zidane doing that. Before I had bad PC and bad net so yeah, I lag, but still I admit when I lose to someone, ask Domitjen and others players. You start to act mature, now you crying about locking this because we showing facts.
I leave WS because there is group of kids, who dislike others for lacking reasons and 24/7 fake and bind.
I never asked rcon to high five people, but people like you printes make me high five them for many reasons.
One more, you can't scare me with your talk, and yes you started this, not me.

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Iceman wrote : I just showing facts here, and I don't know about Zidane doing that. Before I had bad PC and bad net so yeah, I lag, but still I admit when I lose to someone, ask Domitjen and others players. You start to act mature, now you crying about locking this because we showing facts.
I leave WS because there is group of kids, who dislike others for lacking reasons and 24/7 fake and bind.
One more, you can't scare me with your talk, and yes you started this, not me.

I can only see rage in your last post. Just relax, truth is hard to accept but you will get used to it.

In matter of facts, yours lacks probability of being true, cause you're not giving ANY convincent proofs to someone to buy it.

The only thing you want here is to revive in game discussions. You were not asking for community help, nor showing any sort of valid arguments to let this be a positive thread. And that's begin with the image you've posted, that also disrespect free forum guidelines, since it have bad words.

You're being immature since the beginning. See the replies from your posts of every other community memeber.

Ask for a lock it's not about crying, 22 yeard old kiddo. The Forum Guidelines are there for one reason. Rules are made to be conserved. Since you broke it up, like we did tons of times before you, I asked for a Lock, since its pointless arg about this sorta of subject, that always ends like this.

I didn't start anything. I've just showed my side of history. Sorry if it bothers you that much.
Like I said, get used to the truth.

Wanna play Zeq2lite, go ahead! But don't go cocky acussing other players without proofs of who is doing that.

I ask again for a Lock. Any moderators on?

Iceman View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I help here how much I can.
Who ask any help, that is.
I start this, only to see, can we players make this game better. Fix bugs, make it in every way better.
Relax, I am mature, I don't take your talk like insults and no one can tinkle me off because of games.

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Iceman wrote : I help here how much I can.
Who ask any help, that is.
I start this, only to see, can we players make this game better. Fix bugs, make it in every way better.
Relax, I am mature, I don't take your talk like insults and no one can tinkle me off because of games.

Always the same excuses. I've seen it before....

Richma View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Interesting you both like this word CRY you both make a big deal of being better than others, you don't believe that he loses because of lag and he is going for some other excuses in both of your comments have ANGER inside of them and you still try to act mature, you're cool and all that, no one really cares here who is a so called veteran or I don't know what else but I know beta2 OLDER player U11, Supervegeta which was or still is a clan leader of the most hated clan not because of him it's because of some of his teammates every clan has those guys but WS was on the top even a "clan war" was there and what for because people come to insult others for the worst reason "You got lucky I had lag" woah big deal and than those who lost are called with rude names for no reason.

However it's against the forum rules to talk about clans but you have your clan name in your nickname so don't mention forum rules though I did it too Laughing

Today Mima was on a clan server there were about 20 people he kept dying or better to say he got "gangbanged" with Ki attacks now he knows too in which state this project is from the player perspective and he didn't thought this was true, there have to be made changes, so rather stop fighting about why he left some clan and why he lost ELABORATELY DESIGNED MINT CONDITION ACTION FIGURINE FULL PLAYSET bla, if you got any skills or want to learn some, do that and help Brad/Zeth to resume the project or go somewhere else to get your anger and frustation out because this isn't the place to do it.

AraVinD View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Iceman wrote : Well people who bind there, most of time, use to have Brazilian IP or hidden one. Even with fake IP check, I never do it, hoster of server did it for me, he find again Brazillian, Argentina IP... I really never care about spam thing, I spam too for fun, but when you spam that fake guy he only hide in spectate and bind-cry like little kid.
Before this BIND ERA, there was fun.
I get spammed in old times and spam too.
You remember I use to be WS, but leave it for my own reasons and made PW clan.
My reason for making this post is, that old players that still play this game, players that care about it and who don't want to leave it in hands of good guys who will "kill it" , we need to act more mature than rest of them or ignore them until they change. Make new videos about game, bring more Dragon Ball Z fans. I talk with Dragon Ball Online players, they don't like this game only because of 24/7 insult from kids who hide with fake name, 24/7 bind and other craps.


Alright, cheap talk.
Let me guess, what you are trying to say. Just because someone is Brazillian or Argentinian they are from WS, right?


Bind era? okay, Aravind follower, you talk so much about being mature, but please. You are naming things such as an uninformed participator. You are not a veteran, neither a legend or nothing. You were ALWAYS a regular player who was scared of losing. (I still remember your best word: "LAG!")
You cry about lag since you born. So please, cut this trash out and make yourself something else, grow some balls to play a silly game.

The only player who bind and cries in team s that I know is Kane.

NONE old players still plays this game. Get used to it.

Zeq2Lite is far DEAD. Everyone knows it. The community is awesome, but guys like you lose the hand when try to revive boring subjects like that one.


WS prints I know some true facts have to be faced here but I would like to mention something here. that you should also accept how you were and how the WS were instead of spouting you guys did nothing wrong in the first place. I can only say this and everyone knows this also too but anyways the WS clan 1.3 year ago was an spamming insulting clan filled with players who like to insult and spam and get fun from it! uve gotto accept that fact there. but I'm not saying that all brazilians are ws and all ws are bad and Not to mention the current WS clan is a clan which I admire ! for (me) WS became one of the worst to one of the best. I do admit I was blinded at one point but not now. so think wisely before mentioning my name. have a nice day. and Merry Christmas! everyone.

Kakarot2550 View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

*laughing out loud*....

Maszek View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Printes, you like facts and truth so much, but you don't actually have them. Me and many others barely ever fought you or your clanmates. Beating everyone on your own server does not make you the best there is.

You can try justifying your blatant fearsome creature partying, insulting, server crashing and all your other cards all day and every day here, and you can even call me out on my ego when it is you who brought up skill, but it doesn't change the end result.

Before you and your pals appeared, everyone was having fun, not worrying about anything.

AFTER you and your pals appeared and refused to admit defeat, you took to spamming players 5v1, and when that didn't work anymore, crashing servers.

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Richma, you are a designer and I respect you for that. So why enter in a dead discussion?

Actually this whole clan thing begun with our belgium friend. He and his clanmates used to spam my friends in the beginning for no reason. You couldn't even enter in the cave without being hunted down.
We used to try to chat and ask for help with training. but it was senseless, since they get rid of you cause you were not able to talk proper English.

When my friends started to learn how to play, it was obviously that they would do everything to get a payback, which occurred, and there's TONS of complains about it in this forum. Even a Truce was settle for the spamming stop.

After that, my clan was still there, we fought everyone, including you, Maszek, and proved that we were better in mêlée and spam, complete players. That you can also see in this forum if search it up for best player ranking.

It was months of happiness even with my clan there and we were on Top. What amuses me is that our belgium friend was not there. When he came back, december 2012, you can also see that in this Forum, he brought back a tone of vengeance. In the moment he came back, he and his clanmates again started to be arrogants and tried to take us off. What occurred? Retaliation again. We proved that he wasn't the best, neither mcgrass, neither anooxy, Haze, Winro, nor no one. We managed to win it again.

In other hand, he won just one thing: the madness of Zeth against clans, which occurred february 2012 with a huge chat between Zeth and me.

It was clan unification or no clans here. So be it, I've started a post with a resume of our singular conversation in IRC. You can also see that in this free forum.

As you can see, Maszek, my facts are everywhere in this free forum, most in locked threads. So, please, if you want to enter in a discussion, prepare yourself to handle it properly or your arguments will be not valid, like there are now.

So do gont saying that my facts are not facts, cause I've proved to you and to everyone else who WS was in the past.
About beating you up, I guess all players did it, including your friends, and not in ws servers. We used to play several hours in stealth hax. Wait a second, you can still see that in this free forums.

There are TONS of proofs under this community that shows that my clan was a real divisor of the game, and not the way you are putting it to be.

We admit defeat very well, but its hard to tell you about how many times we were defeated, cause that happened so few times in more than 3 years...

Aravind, I like to see your posts in enjin. You are a funny guy. But you and G contributed to this whole thing of "you got luck, it was a warm up, lets batel till 1000" etc, etc, etc. Don't say it was not, because you know it very well inside yourself, and remember, Ganesha doesn't like liers.

Its, sencirely sad to see ALL these people blaming and flaming for a silly sandbox.

Grow up and have a Nice Christmas.

Kakarot2550 View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

WSPRINTES wrote : Richma, you are a designer and I respect you for that. So why enter in a dead discussion?

Actually this whole clan thing begun with our belgium friend. He and his clanmates used to spam my friends in the beginning for no reason. You couldn't even enter in the cave without being hunted down.
We used to try to chat and ask for help with training. but it was senseless, since they get rid of you cause you were not able to talk proper English.

When my friends started to learn how to play, it was obviously that they would do everything to get a payback, which occurred, and there's TONS of complains about it in this forum. Even a Truce was settle for the spamming stop.

After that, my clan was still there, we fought everyone, including you, Maszek, and proved that we were better in mêlée and spam, complete players. That you can also see in this forum if search it up for best player ranking.

It was months of happiness even with my clan there and we were on Top. What amuses me is that our belgium friend was not there. When he came back, december 2012, you can also see that in this Forum, he brought back a tone of vengeance. In the moment he came back, he and his clanmates again started to be arrogants and tried to take us off. What occurred? Retaliation again. We proved that he wasn't the best, neither mcgrass, neither anooxy, Haze, Winro, nor no one. We managed to win it again.

In other hand, he won just one thing: the madness of Zeth against clans, which occurred february 2012 with a huge chat between Zeth and me.

It was clan unification or no clans here. So be it, I've started a post with a resume of our singular conversation in IRC. You can also see that in this free forum.

As you can see, Maszek, my facts are everywhere in this free forum, most in locked threads. So, please, if you want to enter in a discussion, prepare yourself to handle it properly or your arguments will be not valid, like there are now.

So do gont saying that my facts are not facts, cause I've proved to you and to everyone else who WS was in the past.
About beating you up, I guess all players did it, including your friends, and not in ws servers. We used to play several hours in stealth hax. Wait a second, you can still see that in this free forums.

There are TONS of proofs under this community that shows that my clan was a real divisor of the game, and not the way you are putting it to be.

We admit defeat very well, but its hard to tell you about how many times we were defeated, cause that happened so few times in more than 3 years...

Aravind, I like to see your posts in enjin. You are a funny guy. But you and G contributed to this whole thing of "you got luck, it was a warm up, lets batel till 1000" etc, etc, etc. Don't say it was not, because you know it very well inside yourself, and remember, Ganesha doesn't like liers.

Its, sencirely sad to see ALL these people blaming and flaming for a silly sandbox.

Grow up and have a Nice Christmas.


AraVinD View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Aravind, I like to see your posts in enjin. You are a funny guy. But you and G contributed to this whole thing of "you got luck, it was a warm up, lets batel till 1000" etc, etc, etc. Don't say it was not, because you know it very well inside yourself, and remember, Ganesha doesn't like liers.

Grow up and have a Nice Christmas.

All right WSPRINTES there will be new post's on enjin heh. but you do seem to forget one another thing that is I never said those except luck heh. and all those warm up stuff and all the things I may have said when I first joined or entered ZEQ lite and played the game. which is either typical for an normal guy who plays an online game for the first time secondly everyone at that time were using those phrases as an fashionable thing at that period which was about years ago. but not now. I realized very soon that was a wrong thing. and I don't know about G and others maybe some are still using such phrases.

since and as I said I left the game 6 months ago since I came to the point where I had no New challenge.

Maszek View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

All right Printes, no point in arguing with you. You can't be convinced, you are trying too hard to justify your idiocy.

I could take you and your clan easily, ask Jammin' Jelly Jacob. What happened in the past doesn't reflect the present.

Now, before you start handing out challenges, take note that the exploits you use to crash the server when you die like a uninformed participator are patched.

Richma View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Okay like Maszek said there is a patch out and no more server crash the patch is made by SciFi Spirit I hope I wrote his name correctly and big thanks to him now we do not have to worry will someone try to bind or I don't what else.

We should work together and balance the BETA2 and make a new stable revision it should be close to BETA1 but not the same because in BETA1 fights are too long, they need to be shorter, Ki attacks should make less damage also melee has to be balanced. Now I'm throwng some ideas but you guys sure thought about this too so rather let's do this and stop arguing, it's MATURE, since you all like to be like that Cool

WSPRINTES View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

AWOSEM, Aravind! By the way, have you played Naruto yet?
lets batel online! hahahaha

Maszek, maszek, maszek... in the minute you raged out, you lost this discussion.

The past reflects present, it's a truth that no one can take out even in world history. For example: Are you sure that the Second World War doenst made any changes in any countries, especially in Europe?

You are so raged that you forgot what I said in my first post. I don't play anymore. So how can you accuse me crashing servers and got killed since I don't play?

Your problem is, that you wants to win so badly this discussion, it means so much to you and you are so carried away with the prospect of winning, the idea, that you forgot something that's absolutely essential to this discussion.

You forgot to bring valid arguments. You forgot to bring it. I don't know, I don't see it, do you all see it?
You gotta have one. Not a witness, not one piece of substantiating evidence other than his own testimony. My friends, I have brought you the truth... And justice is, as any reasonable person will tell you, the finding of the truth.

So Justice was done here, today.

Case is closed.

see you all

AraVinD View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

WSPRINTES wrote : AWOSEM, Aravind! By the way, have you played Naruto yet?
lets batel online! hahahaha

Maszek, maszek, maszek... in the minute you raged out, you lost this discussion.

The past reflects present, it's a truth that no one can take out even in world history. For example: Are you sure that the Second World War doenst made any changes in any countries, especially in Europe?

You are so raged that you forgot what I said in my first post. I don't play anymore. So how can you accuse me crashing servers and got killed since I don't play?

Your problem is, that you wants to win so badly this discussion, it means so much to you and you are so carried away with the prospect of winning, the idea, that you forgot something that's absolutely essential to this discussion.

You forgot to bring valid arguments. You forgot to bring it. I don't know, I don't see it, do you all see it?
You gotta have one. Not a witness, not one piece of substantiating evidence other than his own testimony. My friends, I have brought you the truth... And justice is, as any reasonable person will tell you, the finding of the truth.

So Justice was done here, today.

Case is closed.

see you all

hahaha you still remmeber the post on enjin. I downloaded it last week its great. half way from finishing the game. its pirated heh so I wonder if online play is possible.

Maszek View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dear Princess.

1. Nobody is mad. Where did you get that idea? I am just trying to ask you to stop lying so much. It's silly.

2. You are not the one who will decide if my arguments are valid. Counter them if you can, otherwise stop responding.

Horatio View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, December 25, 2013


No offense intended, WSPRINCESS, but you're a complete good guy. Fite me irl faget!!


What the love did you just loving say about me, you little puppy? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the love out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my loving words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff to me over the Internet? Think again, lover. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the magnificent little thing you call your life. You’re loving dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can start a rather interesting conversation with you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable buttocks off the face of the continent, you little stuff. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your loving tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn leaping lizard. I will stuff fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re loving dead, kiddo.


high five MEH FAGET

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