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Final Fantasy VII:AC - Your opinions

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Punio4 Somewhat Nifty View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, March 03, 2006

hehe, I've always wanted to ask the ZEQ2 community this question ^^
So here is mine:
I've been watching the developement of this movie since the early developement staghes which started somewhere in 2002... Cloud still had his buster sword,and his old costume... No trailers were around...
Then somewhere in 2002-2003 the first trailers started surfacing... Cloud still had his buster sword, but he had some new clothes... I was overwhelmed... Up to the end of 2003 I had so many trailers/leaks that I could swear I had 10 - 15 minutes of the movie footage...

Then... it all went silent...

For almost three years, there have been no major updates... And finally, when they came... Cloud had that babushka sword of his... And to my amazement... There was absolutely nothing remarkably new that it would take them 3 years!
Atleast 70% of the old trailer scenes were the same, with only minor changes, and of coure cloud's signature sword being replaced by that abomination...

After seeing the movie... I was so bitter...
Four years of development... And everything is mostly the same as it was back in 2002... What have they been doing for four years? I have no idea.

Four years for a CGI movie that was already (I speculate) 70% complete in 2002... and I think that the story was made up like this:

"Ok let's make a FF7 movie!"
"Yeah! That would rock!"
"Ok... They are fighting... let's make all the fighting scenes!... OK that's done... Now, all we need to do is make up a reason WHY they are fighting..."

Seriously, am I the only person who thinks the story sucked?
It was like watching DBZ, but with FF7 characters and swords... That's not the FF7 I liked... I liked it for the story, and great characters...
Oh yeah... for a movie that's 1:40 long... it has about 360 lines of subtitles Wink
Yeah... really deep intriguing story... my buttocks... looks like it was made up on the fly... between the fighting scenes...

Anyway, had to get that off my chest ^_^

RiO View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, March 03, 2006

in my honest opinion it was a great addition to the FF7 storyline. The pacing and everything makes it go perfectly as a sort of 'Disc 4' to the original game.

There's plenty of story to go around, but you have to read inbetween lines and have back knowledge of the original game fresh in memory (which is one of the reasons it would do great as a Disc 4...)
The story kind of suffered on the pirated rip though, as the subs seemed to mistranslate most key parts. In particular the little speech where Sephiroth explains to Cloud what his goal is. Having that mistranslated kind of ducks up the whole movie, because it is the very premise of the storyline.

As for the whole deal with Cloud's 'original' Buster sword in the trailers; He never used it in battle. All the trailers showed of the original Buster sword was Cloud sticking it back into the soil as a substitute tombstone for Zack's grave. The 'babushka sword' as you put it is called Buster 7, if I remember correctly. So atleast it's still a Buster sword, just not thé Buster sword. He may or may not have obtained said sword in the novel 'On the way to a smile' that spans the gap between FF7 and FF7:AC. Sadly I never read it, as I could never find a complete translation. Therefore I don't know if this is true or not. I do however know that said novel deals with Denzel. So atleast it's not like that character came falling out of mid-air.

Mako| View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Punio4 wrote : Seriously, am I the only person who thinks the story sucked?


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