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What next gen system(s) will you be getting?

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paulerxx View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For me. I will be getting Xbox360(next thrusday) and the Nintendo Revo.

How about yous?

DBZ BT 2 is in development for Revo, I hope its good Very Happy

Punio4 Somewhat Nifty View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I never had a console Razz
Only worth for gaming. Which the PC does just fine Wink

Super Vegetto ZEQ2 Legend View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I have a Playstation 2 and I am very very pleased with it ^_^
Just pissed me off that Shin Budokai was released for the PSP alone...rawrrrr Evil or Very Mad

Ow but about a 'Next-Gen Console'...Maybe Playstation 3...even though im angry with it coming out XD it might be nice....
But only when the prices will go down... Twisted Evil

Alex ZEQ2 Effects Programmer View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

I own a 360 and it bloody well rocks, certainly the most usable console I've ever possessed and not at all expensive for what it is. Playstation 3, on the other hand, is going to be atleast a year behind and will apparently be far more expensive without too much more power or features. It really seems a complete waste to wait for that instead of getting a 360 in my opinion, especially as I haven't heard of a single original game that's coming on it (atleast, that's not slated for a 360 release too), everything exclusive seems to be sequals of franchises which have bored me. Considering the Playstation 2 is still bloody expensive for what it is, I doubt the Playstation 3 will be worth buying for about two or three years in terms of price. Anyone who is waiting for one and doesn't own a 360 is missing out.

The revolution, on the other hand, that looks awesome and so creatively unique. Definatley gonna pick one of those up when they're out. Red Steel has sold me on it already.

Zeth ZEQ2 Programmer View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

I'm gonna get a 64DD.

RaiDer Genuine Pirate Therapy View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

Personally I'm not an Xbox fan, I don't mind Nintendo though sometimes it's like thier running out of ideas for games, a Playstation 3 will be being purchased. @ Alex, Playstation 2 Slimlines are as cheap as chips, £100 for a Playstation 2 SlimLine brand new?? Can't argue with that.. Well I couldn't.. *laughing out loud*.

dale_22x View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

havent' possessed a system since the genesis...but I am considering purchasing either the cube or the revolution....revolution if I can use a game cube controller and play smash bros mêlée on it.......

Black Gohan View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

I will be getting Playstation 2, since I have no consoles, im saving money to get Playstation 2, in LT money I have 325 lt and I need around 500. Mad

Japieja Beard with a Conscious View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

RaiDer wrote : Personally I'm not an Xbox fan, I don't mind Nintendo though sometimes it's like thier running out of ideas for games, a Playstation 3 will be being purchased. @ Alex, Playstation 2 Slimlines are as cheap as chips, £100 for a Playstation 2 SlimLine brand new?? Can't argue with that.. Well I couldn't.. *laughing out loud*.

Hmm, well Sony never has any idea's voor games at all Razz They only let 2nd and 3rd parties make their games for the PSX 2 and 3 in the future Razz
Maybe nintendo run out of ideas, but the games they do make are always of high quality, even though they don't always appeal to everyone.

Im always a big fan of Nintendo, had NES SNES, GC and all the different Gameboys up till the Nintendo DS. but I think im gonna switch to the Xbox 360. I always like graphics in new games atleast, old games I don't mind sucky graphics, like UT, Heroes of Might and magic, because I likd the games when I was young.
But new games, should make use of the new technologie.

Anyways, also the fact that the Xbox is getting a sweet looking Sonic game maked me switch to Microsoft, mainly because my first console was the Sega Genesis (Sega mega drive in europe) and I grew up with sonic as it was my first game...

paulerxx View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

in my opinion Playstation 2 and PSone are overrated.

I always played my N64 much more than my Psone, and I play my gamecube and xbox more than my Playstation 2.

Punio4 Somewhat Nifty View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

I think of getting the Wii

Alex ZEQ2 Effects Programmer View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, April 27, 2006

RaiDer wrote : Personally I'm not an Xbox fan, I don't mind Nintendo though sometimes it's like thier running out of ideas for games, a Playstation 3 will be being purchased. @ Alex, Playstation 2 Slimlines are as cheap as chips, £100 for a Playstation 2 SlimLine brand new?? Can't argue with that.. Well I couldn't.. *laughing out loud*.

I can argue with that. The Playstation 2 was worth £100 two years ago. These days it's worth about fifty quid.

zane View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

Im going to buy the Playstation 3 cause IT IS THE BEST next gen console, I dislike those fanboys... before I had(well still have) a Xbox an before a n64, but guys see it real.. without your fanboy glasses the Playstation 3 has the best hardware will have the best games, features etc.

And big *laughing out loud* @ nintendo! the new nintendo is called "Wii" hahaha "Wii" like wee :X

Punio4 Somewhat Nifty View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

About the Playstation 3... yeah, it has the best hardware... but it's also the platform with most issues up to date, and a helluva lot of programmers are saying they won't code games for 8 cpu's in an assembler...
The idea is great, and yeah, it's powerful as heck... but it takes a huge amount of time to code a game for the Playstation 3.

RaiDer Genuine Pirate Therapy View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

Japieja wrote : Hmm, well Sony never has any idea's voor games at all Razz They only let 2nd and 3rd parties make their games for the PSX 2 and 3 in the future Razz
Maybe nintendo run out of ideas, but the games they do make are always of high quality, even though they don't always appeal to everyone.

Yea your right, I have to admit when Nintendo make a good game they make a, very good game, and there has been a lot of impressive titles for the GC. It's just in the past I think most people have found they don't have such a wide varity of games compared to it's rivals. I know when the GC XBOX, and Playstation 2 came out, since then a lot of titles have been out on each machine. I like that about todays consoles, your not as ristricted to what games you can play because of your console, it should be cool to see how these next gen console's turn out.

zane View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

Ok I must say I'm a fanboy too but not console directed more game directed and probably it's just different tastes but I think nintendo has more "childish" games.

And Xbox has PC games.

And Playstation 3 HAS FinalFantasyXIII Only Smile (well im a ff fanboy and proud of it Razz)

Blaize ZEQ2 Legend View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

won't xbox360 also be getting an exclusive FF game then ? Wink

or isn't it exclusive anymore ?

MDave ZEQ2 Ninja View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

The franchise isn't exclusive, but some games that use the name are exclusive. Though the 360 still needs its own exclusive FF series (it has the multi-platform mmorpg FFXI), maybe one of Square-Enix's projects for the 360 will be revealed to be an exclusive FF game at E3.

Alex ZEQ2 Effects Programmer View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

zane wrote : Im going to buy the Playstation 3 cause IT IS THE BEST next gen console, I dislike those fanboys... before I had(well still have) a Xbox an before a n64, but guys see it real.. without your fanboy glasses the Playstation 3 has the best hardware will have the best games, features etc.

Can't.... breath.... too much.... hypocracy *dies*

In all seriousness, listen to yourself, fanboy, you know nothing about the console and you're writing it off as the best ever, yet calling those who own a next-gen console fanboys for talking about how great they are? Give it a rest and be objective if you're gonna go around saying you dislike fanboys, it's so loving hypocritical.

Take your 'fanboy glasses' off and see that none of the public know how the supposed power of the Playstation 3 will actually benchmark compared to the 360, take your 'fanboy glasses' off and see that there's shat all games been annouced for it that aren't franchises that've been run into the ground or coming out on other systems, take them off and see that even developers are saying it's a pain in the arse to work with and bares hardly any difference in actual power to the 360. Ofcourse, this is ALL speculation until it's actually released because Sony's word is less trustworthy that Lucifer's. I mean, ever remember the hype for the Playstation 2? "The emotion engine allows us to have holywood quality graphics in realtime!" Yet it couldn't even handle Quake 3 as well as the Dreamcast. They're saying the same about the Playstation 3, don't ya know. Boads well, doesn't it?

zane View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

Aeh did you just read my WHOLE post?

I earn a Super Nintendo a Playstation a N64 and a Xbox, so I wouldn't say that I'm a name based fan

like all those nintendo only or xbox only or playstation only nerds.

And there are allready all the hardware components of the consoles given you should just use google or buy a good console magazin (and these information are from sony and nintendo directly not from any public wannabes).

And the new nintendo and the new sony have much more power than the Xbox360.And from all new next gen consoles the Playstation 3 has got the best hardware and so the most potential.

And there were allready some teaser videos for the Playstation 3 and also for the nintendo...

But it's ok buy what you want I just know that I will buy the best next gen console Smile)

@FF for Xbox yay the FFXI Online will come for Xbox 360 but that was the last, 12 and 13 will be for sony exclusive.

Alex ZEQ2 Effects Programmer View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Friday, April 28, 2006

Did you read MY whole post?

The Playstation 3 has completely new hardware and architecture that's uncomparable to anything before. All you know are hype-figures from sony, no hard evidence on performance is available anywhere as the actual final system spec isn't even confimed. As I said, Sony's word is been proven to be less reliable than Satan's, or do I have to list all the fiddle sticks claims they've made in the past? heck, the hype videos they released of the games last year (as with the ones they first released for the PS1 and Playstation 2) were proven to be pre-rendered and the tech-demos at the GDC were less impressive than the Xbox 1's and apparently just remakes of the Playstation 2 techdemos, the 'rubber duck' physics demo even had severe clipping issues which is hardly a good sign. Got any recent, real in-game videos which prove otherwise?

You talk down on the 360 yet the Playstation 3 wouldn't have a harddrive, online plan or many other of the recently announced features if it wasn't for the 360's inherent success. If you had any hard details, you'd know the Nintendo Wii is less powerful than either 360 or Playstation 3, Epic have even stated that they're utterly unsure whether UE3 will even work on it.

As I said, get your facts straight, you have no clue about whether the Playstation 3 is the most powerful until it's released, so stop being such a single minded hypocritical fanboy talking about how it's "the best console ever."

paulerxx View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Saturday, April 29, 2006

I believe Nintendo has got the mip mapping stuff down, so the graphics will look much better with crappier hardware specs.

From what a know and think.

Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 will have graphics ABOUT the same.
I also believe Playstation 3 will be more becasue the blue-ray,

I could guess that Playstation 3 will be $500+ at launch.

A blue ray player online is $1000

Mike Reynolds View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Saturday, April 29, 2006

Well, most of you have forgot bout, Resident Evil 5, Metal gear solid 4, Oh and the metal gear solid team said, that the Playstation 3 is just as esay to code as the Xbox 360, I like them both but Playstation 3 it just plain better, and for me, worth the money, I am going to get it. just think bout if though, FREE online compatability, ALL Playstation 3 controlers are wireless, and it has more poer than the xbox 360, infact, my computer has more power in EVERY WAY, but the Playstation 3 smokes my comp compare,
Xbox 360 = 2.4 GHZ
Playstation 3 = 3.2 GHZ
Playstation 3 is just beter, oh and the Playstation 3 can produce 253 sound mix, better audio quality, the xbox 360 don't have that. So jst think bout it, If you don't get it becase money, fine thats alright, but if you don't get it becase you "know" they are the same or the xbox 360 is better, All I have to say is good guy. Razz

Michel View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Saturday, April 29, 2006

I think I will be getting an xbox 360 (when a modchip comes out, that is). Expected is that there will be a lot more games being developed for the xbox 360 then for the Playstation 3, because Sony has decided to increase license-costs for developers, while microsoft lowered them. With the new XNA system MS is putting out, game developers can do that even more easier. Ofcourse, Eastern made games (japanese etc) will prefer Sony of MS, so don't expect all games to be released for xbox 360. Anyhow... Naruto - one of the most popular animes in japan - will be released for xbox360 in 2007... so it is heading into the right direction!

paulerxx View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mike Reynolds wrote : Well, most of you have forgot bout, Resident Evil 5, Metal gear solid 4, Oh and the metal gear solid team said, that the Playstation 3 is just as esay to code as the Xbox 360, I like them both but Playstation 3 it just plain better, and for me, worth the money, I am going to get it. just think bout if though, FREE online compatability, ALL Playstation 3 controlers are wireless, and it has more poer than the xbox 360, infact, my computer has more power in EVERY WAY, but the Playstation 3 smokes my comp compare,
Xbox 360 = 2.4 GHZ
Playstation 3 = 3.2 GHZ
Playstation 3 is just beter, oh and the Playstation 3 can produce 253 sound mix, better audio quality, the xbox 360 don't have that. So jst think bout it, If you don't get it becase money, fine thats alright, but if you don't get it becase you "know" they are the same or the xbox 360 is better, All I have to say is good guy. Razz

xbox 360 has 3 3.2ghz cores....*laughing my arse off*

and coding wise.

xbox 360 IS easier than Playstation 3. Many developers already stated this. don't ask for a link, because im too lazy to find one *laughing out loud*. just google it

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