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Dragon Ball Quake ?

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Tom ZEQ2 Programmer View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yeah, I remember when quakemage did that. He had a different name as well didn't he? I don't remember what it was now though.
Even though the project never finished and unfortunately didn't get too far (that happens when you start from scratch a few times), the project still remains a legend. Why? Because of the design behind it. That's one thing bfp didn't have. I mean they made a good game, don't get me wrong, but it can only go so far before you get bored of shooting beams at someone Razz
I also admit to playing a copy of dbq. I used to be friends with a guy who was friends with Sith, who gave it to him AFTER the C&D was given (still not a very good move Razz).

Ravven ZEQ2 3D Artist View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tom wrote : I used to be friends with a guy who was friends with Sith, who gave it to him AFTER the C&D was given (still not a very good move Razz).

Man, that's sick. Razz That's how the leaking process starts.

ALX soundtrack rocks, by the way! It's amazeingly good!

zaradis View user's profile Send private message

Reply with quote Thursday, December 13, 2007

Believe me if I thought it was worth promoting a 'leaked' version of DBQ I would have done it at that point. We did have alpha testers in on the side to do some bug work near the end to test our beam (I remember that taking sith close to a month to do...*laughing out loud* I was so hard on him to make it 'perfect'), collision (shockwave and particle effects along with the tracking), and charge up code (what you saw in cell). I probably did end up telling sith to just give it to whomever he wanted for fun. The backend code of WSM wasn't entirely that difficult it was just being able to figure out how to effectively communicate to all these crazy amount of clients for stat tracking on a central server in real time. Ambitious, but plausable.

If only bfp/sos's coder at the time joined us, things probably would have been drastically different. Sith was the only true coder we had. Fireblade was a fake after months and months and months of 'promises', heck I was so desperate and wanted to believe in him I fell for the old 'computer got fried by thunderstorm' story so all the code was lost and he's now on a low end machine.

Oh so many memories falling in now Very Happy

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