ZEQ2 Lite Rotating Header Image

Revision 1662:


  • Desaturated Goku’s textures in a cel-band reliant color method test.
  • Changes to Krillin’s .gfrx and .phys to call the destructo disk as a private version of the attack, as well as added sounds for Solar Flare and Destructo Disk.
  • Fixed fatigue recovery at low powerlevels. It is now at least 1 in cases where fatigue can be recovered. (Minus drain, if any.)
  • Overpowering now adds the same amount of health as health capacity increases, without using health pool.
  • Amount of health points healed is now more accurately limited to available health points in health pool.
  • Fixed another health bug that prevents transforming.
  • Tuned down fatigue cost by 25% when overpowering when maximum powerlevel pool is empty.
  • Fixed not being able to raise powerlevel at low maximum powerlevel when fatigue is at or below current powerlevel.
  • Made maximum powerlevel pool decrements use fractionPool aswell.
  • Fixed the transformation bug introduced earlier.
  • Characters heal almost all the way to max now, and to max once max powerlevel cannot be increased.
  • Fixed problem with floating point tier config breakLimitRate values being rounded down due to integer conversion.
  • Health pool now only gets reduced if player is damaged when overpowering. (Practically always for now, due to maximum health rising at the same time.)
  •  “canOverheal False” in tier config now properly prevents healing.
  • Maximum powerlevel can now reach 32767 instead of only 32766.
  • Maximum powerlevel pool (plMaximumPool) is now reduced at a rate relative to breakLimitRate to balance powerlevel gained. Previously different breakLimitRate’s would give different amounts of maximum powerlevel for the same amount of pool.
  • Vertex lighting on Namek, also adjusted the underwater seabed fog border to the same color as the horizon.
  • Namek – Reflections and fog added.
  • Changed knockback recovery 2 to 1 frame for all characters in order to fix glitch.
  • Updated Namek map, no fog or clipping, modelled some cliffs and craters on one of the south islands for Frieza’s and The Ginyu force ships.



  1. Xxwillisxx says:

    alguem me diz como q baixa essa versao so tem pra baixa a 1536 me dem 1 help ake me add no msn:[email protected]

  2. Xxwillisxx says:

    quero ajuda somente de brasileiros nao espanhois e portugueses

  3. Duke says:

    What a brazilian noob! This version isn’t for download yet.

    Man, I hate to play with brazilian. Most are cheaters and don’t know how to play like a real people, only like idiots.

    Tradução: Que brasileiro noob! Essa versão não está para download ainda.

    Man, Eu odeio jogar com brasileiroz. Maioria são cheaters e não sabem jogar como gente, só como idiotas.

  4. cassiano says:

    poucas pessoas brasileira c achao nesse jogo entao nem pesao ajuda em porugues q quase ninguen vai reponder

  5. Ian L. S. says:

    Para instalar a nova versão é preciso que você utilize um programa de SVN, como o Tortoise SVN ou RapidSVN.

    Clique em svn checkout nesses programas e coloque a versão 1662 ou a publicada acima. Não recomendo que faça um checkout sem escolher a revisão(versão), porque será baixada uma de desenvolvimento, ou seja, quebrada.

    Se ainda estiver com dúvida procure na wikipedia e no google tutoriais sobre SVN. Não recomendo que instale o jogo sem saber utilizar o SVN(subversion). Tem outros jogos open source(de graça) como o Xonotic, Warsow e Urban Terror por aí.

    Realmente concordo com o amigo acima, a galera do Brasil gosta de trapacear pra caramba online, é uma merda jogar Urban Terror ou outros jogos GPL por aqui. Só ficam usando hacks e essas palhaçadas de muleta. Tanto que recentemente baniram faixas de IPs brasileiras no servidor oficial do ZEQ2.

  6. Abvll says:

    i want the more online servers revision please.. give me anyone the link for the last version…

  7. Abvll says:

    I am the maker of esf budokai.. i love to make cartoons.. i can help in the texture details for models and maps… askme for MSN if any developer need help…
    [email protected]

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